Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Road Trip Day 4: Franconia Notch State Park, NH

Bright and early Tuesday morning, we put on some comfy sweats and sneakers so we could spend the day in Franconia Notch State Park in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Franconia Notch is a fairly large mountain range between the Flume Gorge and Echo Lake.

We decided to first experience the Flume Gorge which is a natural gorge that extends for something like 800 feet. So we signed up for the two-mile round trip hike to Avalanche Waterfalls and got a good bit of exercise on this excursion. The waterfalls and the gorge in general were absolutely spectacular. We enjoyed the running waters more than we enjoyed the actual hiking.

The funniest part of this excursion was when Jen tried to set her camera to automatically take a photo of both of us, and after getting the camera set, she ran over to me and slipped on a rock, and found her right foot submerged in the frigid cold water. It was definitely comical.

After our hike, we headed to another part of Franconia Park called Cannon Mountain. It has its name for an actual cannon that sits atop the mountain. The best part of this experience was that we were able to ride an aerial tramway to the peak of the mountain, which took us up to a total of 4180 feet. I call this a "gondola in the sky." From the mountain's peak, we could see Vermont, Maine and Canada way out in the distance. It was a little cloudy so Canada wasn't all that clear, but I will still tell everyone I saw Canada.

In general, the views from Cannon Mountain were absolutely amazing. Honestly, these mountains are spectacular. We kept wondering, "I bet this looks amazing in the fall." Perhaps we need another trip in the future.

After spending most of the days in the outdoors and feeling relieved we didn't acquire any ticks, we hopped back in the car to find out next destination, Portland, Maine.

The drive to Portland was pretty standard, so nothing interesting to report for this leg of the journey.

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