Monday, August 28, 2006


I believe in karma, both of the positive and the negative. In essence, I believe one should treat others the way one wants to be treated. Attempting to do good for others should eventually reward itself in positive karma, however that positive karma chooses to manifest itself.

For about a year now, I have come to believe that I am rewarded with positive karma as a driver. Memphis drivers suck - if you've read the blog, you have heard me comment about this. In the last 3 years especially, I have spent many a hour in my car on 8+ hour road trips. In my daily commutes around the city as well as these road trips, I have often escaped driving woes - I have never been in an accident and have never had to deal with the wrath of the police force. I seem to have a pretty good track record on the road. I am convinced this is where the positive karma manifests iteself in my life.

It's a fact that no matter how hard I try, I often exhibit behaviors that could essentially classify me as a first-rate asshole. I find pleasure, on occasion, in other people's pain. If you read the blog, or know me personally, you're well aware of this fact - I make fun of people where I deem it essential to do so. I'm pretty convinced this is the reasoning behind the negative karma that manifests itself in my life.

I seem to experience negative karma in various ways. A few examples:

1. Never in my life have I been the recipient of a deal in airfare and I have flown a ton over the past 3 years especially.

2. No matter how hard I work, I can't seem to accomplish all of my work tasks in an 8-hour day. I am averaging 10 or so as of late.

3. Items that I find I absolutely need at a certain point in time are never on sale.

4. My life is utterly hopeless when it comes to relationships.

It seems, then, that I can feel confident knowing that my positive karma will be rewarded on the road. And for the time I spend in my car, I would say that's a pretty good thing. But on average, say once a month or so, I'd like for my positive karma to drop something different in my life, like a cheap plane ticket home for a wedding or an occassional sale on the items I need or, and this is a stretch, perhaps a short-lived but worthwhile relationship at some point in the next year. That's not asking for too much, is it?

Well, maybe it is. I mean, you can't have everything, right?

But maybe if I stop making fun of people, I can get one of the above four examples to work out.

Then again, I'm not sure it's worth it. I like making fun of people too much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of the Rolling Stones: You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.
Or perhaps U2: Still haven't found what I'm looking for. . .

I hope you find something on sale really soon! A good deal always seems to make me feel better.