Monday, August 21, 2006

Doc Gooden is not a good business reference.

Actual conversation:

Coleman: It's a good thing I have off tomorrow.
Carol: Why?
Coleman: The girl I recommended for our open position failed her drug test.
Carol: Nice.
Coleman: I'm not sure how my boss will react.
Carol: Pot?
Coleman: Yeah. I wish. That would be easy to write off. It was cocaine.

Carol laughs hysterically.

Coleman: It's not funny.
Carol: You're right. It's not. (pause) No wait, it is.
Coleman: You're right. It is funny. (laughs)

How would you like to have to call your mom and say,
"Well, mom, I didn't get that 50,000$ clutch job offer."

"Well, why not, honey?"

"Oh, you know. Failed my drug test. Had too much fun with Pablo Escobar a little while back."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does Coleman want to get me a J-O-B? I'll probably pass the test, although Saturday is still a little shady. . .