Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The 24-year-old trainwreck's guide to low self-esteem...

A quick and easy three-step guide to lowering your self-esteem:

1. Make complete idiot out of yourself in front of people who are expected to respect you in your professional work.
2. Consume copius amounts of alcohol in a short period of time, black out, puke in a highly public place, force other people to care for your well-being.
3. Express feelings to someone and get instantly rejected.

It's best if you make it a point to complete these three steps within a 24-hour period. Actually, the more they happen in due proximity of time, the better. Too much time in between does not guarantee your self-esteem will drop below your ankles.

Trust me. It's fool proof. You can't go wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Often when faced with situations like this I find it is best to hide from the world under a comforter. . .
And in the immortal words of Bridget Jones -- Eating the entire contents of one's fridge is inevitable.