Sunday, July 30, 2006

An eyesore for sure...

My roommate and I carpool most days to work. This is helpful because the quickest route takes us through a particularly sketchy part of Memphis. One morning while I was alone and waiting at a red light, a homeless woman came and stood by my window and was muttering a language I didn't understand. I like when we carpool. Strange things don't seem to happen as much.

Every day we turn from Crump onto Central Ave. At the beginning of this road on the right hand side are two high-rise apartment complexes, nothing out of the ordinary. Between them, however, is this really strange looking manor-type house.

One day, Jessie said, "What is that?" in reference to this building.
I said, "It looks like an old run down psychiatric home where they probably performed lobotomies in the 70s, like in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." (Seriously, I said that.)

For the past week or so, we’ve been wondering what this building is. Each day we made it a point to gather new information about it: it’s name is Ashler Hall and it says Castle on the front of it, for example.

Jessie, in her peak curiosity, found the following site. Click here, please.

This person apparently reports the history of this building, which is quite interesting. Read it to know what I am talking about. At the end of this webpage, the author writes:
“I do not know the current fate of this house.”

Well, dear lover of castles, the current fate of this house can be summed up in two words: shit bag.

Seriously, it’s a disaster. I kinda feel sorry for it because it apparently has a unique history. Maybe someone will save it from its despair. Until then, it will continue to be one of a handful of eyesores we have to look at on our daily commute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)