Thursday, January 08, 2009

Cheez Whiz Death Stare

Joe: "Do we have any sour cream for my baked potato?"
Mom: "No, Carol used it for the hashbrown casserole the other night."
Carol: "Why don't you throw some Cheez Whiz on there? I saw we had some."
Mom stares at Carol with big eyes, shocked at this suggestion, wishing death upon her for said thought.
Mom: "The Cheez Whiz is for cheesesteaks. Nothing else."

This was a conversation we had at the dinner table the other day. And the look my mom gave me is now referred to as the "Cheez Whiz Death Stare." Honestly, you would have thought I was asking her to sacrifice her only son. She was pissed at this suggestion. I didn't know you could only use Cheez Whiz on cheesesteaks. I really thought it had other functions. This brings us to our next rule:

Rule #3. Cheez Whiz is only to be used on cheesesteaks. Any other use is considered ludricrous and you will receive the Cheez Whiz Death Stare at such a suggestion.

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