Monday, February 20, 2006

Cabinet Conundrum Solved

Thanks to some savvy friends (read: people who can use effectively and Kelly's previous southern living experience -- see comments under previous post) the Cabinet Conundrum has been solved.

According to a State Farm Insurance website, leaving one’s cabinet doors open – yes, the ones where the pipes are – allows for additional heat to warm the pipes; thus, when coupled with the water drip practice, pipes should not freeze and no damage should ensue. Kelly also reminds us of the differences in insulation as it relates to this situation.

If you’re so inclined to enlighten yourself further on this matter, please use the following website: You never know when you'll end up in a state where such practices will be mandated even though you've lived through blizzards your whole life and think such practices are an over-reaction to reality.

I am certain we can all sleep better now knowing there is rational for this practice.

Oh, and in case you still weren’t convinced Memphians over-react to the winter weather, campus is closed today until noon because some streets and sidewalks may still be icy. This means that Memphis has tied my previous alma maters in number of days campus was closed due to “inclement weather”. I’ve been here 6 months – I was at those other places 6 years total between the two. Yes, the south = weak. Two words, friends: rock salt.

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