Sunday, December 10, 2006

Easy like Sunday morning...

Recently (read: the last six months), I have come to significantly embrace all that Sunday is intended to be, a solid day of rest. In my former life roles as a student/grad student/intern, a large percentage of my responsibilities (including studying, cocurricular activities, and work duties) forced me to dedicate many a hour of my personal time to completing particular tasks. Sundays were pretty hard core days of work, rather than days of rest.

Since May, I have forcefully made a significant effort to win over Sundays as a day of pure rest and relaxation. I measure the success of this effort by the following criteria, what I am now going to refer to as my Sunday Commandments:

1. Thou shall sleep in as late as possible, particularly past 10am.
2. Thou shall not shower.
3. Thou shall spend as much time on one's couch as possible.
4. Thou shall not leave one's apartment/home for any reason.
5. Thou shall watch as many sporting events on tv as possible.
6. Thou shall only get up from couch to retrieve food from the kitchen or use the bathroom.
7. Thou shall contribute nothing to society.
8. Thou shall interact with other human beings as least as possible.
9. Thou shall do nothing productive.
10. Thou shall take at least one nap and go to bed as close as possible to the 12th hour of being awake.

Maybe I should rename these "The Laziest Human Being's Guide to Being a Waste of Flesh".

Regardless, I've waited a long time to do nothing on Sundays, and this is what I intend to do for as long as possible.


Anonymous said...

So jealous as my Sunday mornings now involve getting up at 4:30am to open the coffee shop.

Anonymous said...

Sunday mornings are the best! Dad and I get up early, make cinnamon buns, then watch CBS Sunday Morning. Then the parents go out to brunch, while I stay home and follow your Sunday Commandments.