Sunday, May 28, 2006

Little slices of heaven...

"I'm serious. I really think God puts things on earth - little slices of heaven - for those of us who will never make it there." - Cousin Jen, 5/25/06

Jen said this while she, Bridget and myself were sitting at the Memphis Redbirds game on Thursday. Her first example of a "little slice of heaven" was BBQ Nachos, which she experienced for the first time at the game... well worth the $7.25, spots of sauce on your pants, and food orgasm experienced while digesting such goodness.

Throughout the week-long visit, Jen has compiled a list of various forms of "little slices of heaven." I will share those now, in no particular order:

-Beer (needs no explanation)
-Dippy eggs (a Varano recover-from-drinking or eat-while-sick speciality)
-Hurricanes at Pat O's (also needs no explanation)
-Male foreigners with accents (hott)
-Laguna Beach marathon (yes, I watched it... two days in a row)
-Dunkin Donuts (the disgusting yet delicious bagel sandwich - never overrated)
-Saved by the Bell reruns and Hawaii movie (always a good time)
-PF Chang's (it's real chicken)

For all of you who question your life in eternity and fear you may not make it to heaven, may you enjoy all of the "little slices of heaven" life brings your way.


MST said...

CV....i watched the LB marathon also....and the premiere of "the hills" last night (although i have to say i was a little disappointed...hopefully the drama quotient will increase)... :-) i keep wondering when i will grow out of teeny bopper culture?

Carol V said...

amen, sister! amen. i watched the hills as well and felt the same... LC, bring the drama!