Monday, April 06, 2009

Justification of Hatred

It's really a sad moment when you come to finally have the proof of something you've known all along. Maybe you waited a long time to actually find the proof even though you know it was out there in plain black and white for years. You could have easily found the truth and had the proof but for some reason, maybe you didn't actually want to be confirmed in your initial belief.

Well I just had one of those moments, and my hatred for a certain two individuals has been justified. I'm not ashamed to admit this hatred, even though I was raised not to hate. In all honesty, part of me is actually glad I'm justified in my hatred. I'm sick of pretending I don't want to be hateful toward these two individuals, and I am sick of the Catholic guilt I experience when I want to hate them but try not to. The bottom line is, from here on out, it's all hatred.

If you're not good enough to respect me the way I deserve after you've sucked the life out of me and I saved your ass a million and one times, then you deserve the hatred I feel toward you.

I believe in karma. One day, I'll reap my reward for putting up with these two individuals' incessant bullshit. I hope these two pricks get what's coming to them. I hope I can be there the day they are pulled from their mighty high horses. I'd like to kick them when they are down.

There's some real emotion. Judge away. I don't care.

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