Monday, April 20, 2009

Drink, Laugh, Love

I think these three words can best sum up my weekend visit to Memphis: Drink, Laugh, Love.

I chose these words because they share a commonality: abundance.

I definitely drank in abundance, best indicated by my 12-hour workday of drinking with friend Bridget on Friday. It's hard not to put in a workday of drinking when you can sit on an outdoor patio at 2pm and enjoy 75 degree weather. It's also hard not to put in a workday of drinking when you meet up with other friends later in the evening and the bar you're in proceeds to play early 90s hip hop and rap music such as Baby Got Back and Regulate. That obviously makes for a ridiculous time.

I spent four days in complete laughter. Honestly, I haven't laughed so much and so hard in such a long time. So many fun conversations, comments, moments - it was just great to be able to kick back and finally relax with former students and friends. I cherish the laughter and the fun.

I also felt pretty emotional at times, in the sense that I really felt an abundance of love. It's nice to have the feeling that my life has been touched by so many wonderful people; it's also nice that these wonderful people share this feeling toward me. It's hard to put to words really, but I feel extremely blessed to have so many great people be a part of my life.

That's just a small recap of the weekend. I'll be reminiscing more throughout the week.

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