Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Brackets, brackets, and more brackets...

March Madness is upon us -- grab your pencil and fill out your brackets -- it's OK to become obsessed with it, keep telling yourself that. Seriously, obsess away -- the madness is the best time of the year.

The chatter has already started with my friends and the students I work with:

"Carol, wouldn't it be awesome if you get to watch Bucknell play Memphis in the second round?"
-- Answer: Yes, but more awesome if I could actually be in Dallas to see it happen.

"Carol, what number 5 seed should I pick to lose?"
-- Answer: That's a great question. Only two times in the new format has a 12 seed failed to beat a 5 seed.

"Carol, who will win it all?"
-- Answer: Also a great question. My job tells me I should root for Memphis since I work here but I just am not ready to say out loud who I'm going with; wouldn't want to offend anyone.

My email has been flooded since yesterday with updates, news, and stories about the tournament.

First, there's the story that comes out each year at this time (and also during football bowl season) to see how the tournament teams (or bowl teams) measure up academically. I am proud to announce the wonderful Bucknell is atop the list. Educate yourself: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=ajy4Ov5.HU7I&refer=us

Educate yourself some more: http://www.ncasports.org/images/Release%20FINAL%202005%20NCAA%20Basketball%20Tournament%20Grad%20Rates%20Study.pdf

(Maybe someday I can work for this organization.)

Second, there's the advice columns by the bracketology "experts" telling you how to make the most of your picks. We don't need to go into detail here -- trust me, if you really want someone to help you, you'll figure out where to find it. (Digger, Dickie V, Jay Bilas... who do you trust????)

Third, there's the humor surrounding these events, as best depicted by the one Bill Simmons:

You should read this article. It's funny. Go ahead, read it now.

I have some observations regarding the humor described by Bill Simmons:

First of all, I truly agree wholeheartedly that people out there pick their brackets much like he described in his mother and his friend the sportsgal. Some people don't follow college hoops and they have no other means for making their selections. These people are often hysterical and may often win the office pool by nothing but pure dumb luck.

Second of all, though, I cannot help but be a little irritated by this said humor. You see, Bill Simmons may imply here that only women have crazy non-sports related rituals for picking their brackets. This is clearly not the case. As a sports-obsessed, March Madness junkie, I am proud of my abilities to pick brackets each year beyond strategies like "I went to school there" or "my friend went to school there" or "the Catholics are good people". I know the ins and outs of the so called bracketology and I am indeed a female. There are many females out there like myself who do not need to resort to ridiculous criteria for one's selections. And seriously, there are many a male species out there who know a great deal less about the madness than many females I know. So, Bill Simmons, while I appreciate your humor, I would have appreciated it more if you mocked a male and a female instead of two females. It seems only fair in brackets and basketball.

For all of you wonderful people out there who will do nothing but sit on your asses and watch minute after minute of the tournament this weekend, enjoy it -- I know I did in my previous life as a student/non-adult. Now, I must find a way to sneak into the conference room at work just so I can take in as much as possible.

At least my boss won't be around to yell at me. Oh wait, he'll be watching Bucknell/Arkansas and Memphis/Oral Roberts in person. Yes, I am indeed jealous.


Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that every year when March Madness starts I think about the crazy obsessed Carol Varano!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yo, you know I pick my teams the way Simmons' mom and Sports Gal do. Christian Laettner was HOTT, which is how I got interested in college hoops (other than MSU) in the first place. Although I am NOT on the Duke train now.

March Madness has made me MAD as the Big 10 has dropped the ball. I am thinking about retiring from the Izzone and instead getting on the Witchita State bandwagon. Is that in Kansas? That state is so flat, perhaps I could give it some depth.

btw, Gonzaga's Morrison TOTALLY looks like Billy Crudup in "Almost Famous"