Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What I've Been Up To: Netflix

I haven't blogged lately, mostly because I'm still "trying to figure out what to do with my life"/job searching and there's nothing exciting about this process. So I figure it's more exciting to write about some of the random things I've been up to, while I try to sort out that "real world" stuff. I decided to do some installments that cover some of the things I do to stay busy (read: get out of bed every morning).

I joined Netflix back in February, when I was committed to watching the entire series of Lost as quickly as possible. I wrote about this back in the day. Since then, I've used Netflix as a way to see the plethora of films I've missed over the past few years.

Specifically, in recent weeks, I decided to watch each of the 2009 Oscar nominees for Best Picture of the Year. This list includes: Slumdog Millionaire, The Reader, Milk, Frost/Nixon and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Usually, when the Oscars are awarded, I've only seen one of the films in this category. This was true this past year as well, as I only saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in the theater back in December. So I had the remaining four films to watch.

Each of these films is a must-see for any avid movie-goer. Honestly. Each was extremely different in content and context, and each made for a pleasurable viewing experience. I would highly recommend each of them if you are looking for something to watch. I was really glad I took on this endeavor because these were some of the best films I've ever seen. Seriously. Ever.

In this spirit, I've also started to back-track and I've started to watch the 2008 Oscar nominees in this category as well. I'm really pleased with this idea of mine, as the films have all been great.

The only thing missing is a good neighbor/friend who would want to watch these with me, and then discuss incessantly over a burrito or coffee or ice cream.


Rachel L. said...

genius idea!!!

Mrs. McGoo said...

use your blog posts to discuss them (since the current neighbor/friend is not available).... write what you think about the movies, one post at a time, ask questions about them, etc... and let your blog readers (who've seen the movie, or do so afterward) reply in full to your insights. - just a thought. I haven't seen any of those but BB. I've wanted to see them, but haven't stopped yet to do so. Thanks for the encouragement to get on that ambition. :)