Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Working out is hard to do...

I've been trying to stay committed to my new life as a work out buff, but I tell you, it's quite hard sometimes. You know, there are days when my body is so sore that I really don't want to get out of bed, let alone go back to the gym. But somehow, I've maintained the will power to stay committed.

I've noticed that joining a gym at home has brought about some sort of strange motivational factors. For starters, in my prior life in Mount Carmel, I was considered pretty athletic. Granted, this was 10 years ago, but still, I feel that some people may still associate me with this former life. I find this to be motivational. Like when I start to get tired after 10 minutes on the treadmill, I use this as motivation to keep going.

Another motivational factor also comes via other people. You see, there are a lot of parents of my friends who work out at this gym. I find myself thinking, "I wonder if they tell such-and-such that they saw me at the gym. I hope that's all they say. Not something like 'Boy, that Carol, looks like she put on a few pounds, doesn't seem to move very well.'"

I also notice that some of these parents, as well as people my age who I consider to be unathletic, can kick my ass in aerobics classes. I didn't think I would like aerobics classes, but some lower-body workouts and some occassional cycling classes are quite intense 60-minute workouts. I often can't walk after these sessions. But again, these people keep me motivated, especially when they're not sweating and I'm busting my ass and sweating like a hog. Makes me feel like my time is well spent.

But seriously, the real motivation is that I have felt much better overall the last few weeks since I started working out. I am sleeping much better, rather than tossing and turning and waking up every few hours. I have more energy and have cut back on the time I spend zoned out in front of the tv. I'm watching what I eat a little more closely, which basically means I don't drink as much caffeine. I'd like to think these are all positive steps for my life.

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