Monday, March 23, 2009


I've been attending cycling classes at the gym I joined, you know, "spinning" for you sophisticated types. I like cycling. It's a solid hour of serious ass-kicking, especially if you really push yourself as hard as you can at all times.

Today, I almost lost my ankle. No joke. I really didn't think cycling on a stationary bike could be considered dangerous to one's health; today, however, I met my match.

We were about twenty minutes into the workout. This is around the part where I start sweating profusely and people mistake me for a man. What can I say, sweating in large quantities is in my blood. I thank the southern Italians. Anyway, we were in the phase of the workout where we were sprinting; this is where you pedal as fast as you can without any resistance. As we were in our second sprinting interval, the bottom portion of my left pant leg got wrapped around the pedal. My pants were wrapped a good four times around before I felt the remainder of the pants cutting off the circulation just above my ankle! Ouch.

Thankfully, I was able to free myself from this workout debacle without any permanent damage to my ankle, lower leg, or pants. This is obviously a good thing as I'd like to have full function-ability in my lower extremeties for the remainder of my lifetime. I can deal with the slight pain I'm still feeling. It takes my mind off the pain throughout the remainder of my lower half from the actual workout.

(I'm not sure function-ability is a word, by the way.)

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