Thursday, August 03, 2006

Trump this.

If you get an invitation to attend the Maui Invitational with the basketball team you work with, and it's the same week as Thanksgiving at home with the family, what do you do?

Clearly, you go to Maui.

Obviously, this type of college hoops mayhem trumps any time with family.

While I reckon that football, food, and family is an excellent holiday, it surely can't compare to the Maui Invitational... especially when it's FREE.

A loving family will understand.

Hell, they'll probably want to hide away in your suitcase and go along for the ride.


Anonymous said...

I must agree with brother Joe. To not go on a free trip to Maui would be madness. Plus, I won't be home this year anyway, so really, what are you going to miss???

Carol V said...

for the record, I AM NOT GOING TO MAUI. this is my roommate's issue, not mine. I was just saying that it's ridiculous to not go to Maui.

Anonymous said...

Tom Izzo and the Spartans represented in Maui last year -- had an AWESOME game against someone, but I forget who now. . . Perhaps you can pull a Tonya Harding and take your roommates' place? (JUST KIDDING!)