Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Germany: Dachau, May 14 Part 2
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Germany: Eagle's Nest, May 14 Part 1
Berchtesgadener is known to historians as one of Hitler's spots during the Third Reich. The town served as a retreat for Hitler and his party leaders, namely Martin Bormann. They lived at times in small villas nestled in the hills at the base of the mountain. For Hitler's birthday, Bormann decided to honor him by building Eagle's Nest, also known as Kehlsteinhaus. It's referred to as Eagle's Nest because the house was built nearly 2500 ft into the summit of a mountain.
There are some strange elements about this, in my opinion.
First, the road to the top to actually go into Eagle's Nest is unbelievable. The road is an insanely winding road stretching higher and higher to the summit. The views are absolutely spectacular. In fact, in my opinion, the views are the ultimate "thing" to experience here. It was truly the most amazing part of the whole trip. What is strange about this is that Hitler was afraid of heights. The story is told that as he was driven to the house, the window's views were obstructed so he could only see within the car. Odd.Second, the house today contains an outdoor patio that is a restaurant. Hitler never ate food prepared IN the house. The story here is that all of the food Hitler ate while here was cooked at his villa down in the town and driven to the top. He was afraid of being poisoned. Maybe not as odd, considering Hitler for Hitler.
Third, being in this house in general is just strange. I mean, you walk throughout the house and you are able to stand in the room with a fireplace that was a former meeting place for Hitler and his top officials. He plotted some sick, nasty, immoral acts here. It was downright creepy to think about and experience.
Eagle's Nest was an interesting experience, and we were fortunate to even have it. The day we visited was only the third day it was open to tourists; even though it was mid-May, a great deal of snow had just cleared away enough of the path to make this stop accessible. All in all, this was a thought-provoking experience, and the start to a very strange day of tourism - weird Wednesday, as I'm referring to it now.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Austria: Salzburg, May 13
Salzburg is honestly a beautiful city, with lots of great sights. We spent time exploring Salzburg's Cathedral, St. Peter's Cathedral and Cemetery, Mozart's birthplace and residence, and Mirabellgarten (or Mirabell Garden). Throughout much of the afternoon, we enjoyed great weather as we explored each of these sights. Each was unique in its own way.
The highlight of the trip to Salzburg was our evening at St. Peter's. Since no trip to Salzburg is complete without experiencing classical music, we decided to attend a Mozart Dinner Concert at St. Peter's. We were seated with two couples from Australia. Between courses, a four-string qaurtet, a male singer, and a female singer performed pieces of Mozart's music in this intimate setting. There were only at most forty people seated for dinner, so it was quite an elegant experience. Even the dessert had a Mozart twist. All in all, it was a fabulous evening, not to mention a great relaxing and rewarding day.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Germany: Neuschwanstein, May 12 Part 2
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Germany: Munich, May 12 Part 1
Two interesting tour stops were churches. The first is called Frauenkirche, which means Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady. This is a Gothic style church. There is a footprint in the back, said to be the devil's footprint from when the devil protested the building of the church - apparently, the devil believed there would be no windows, but the builder tricked the devil so he left this footprint when he stomped the ground in fury. Good story for tourism. The Pope, prior to being The Pope, used to have Mass here as well.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Germany: Hofbrauhaus, May 11 Part 3
No trip to Munich is complete without a visit to the Hofbrauhaus, one of the world's oldest and most famous beer gardens. This place has been brewing beer since 1589, the time when Wilhelm V was the duke of Bavaria - he played a role in this place's creation. (I didn't know this at the time, but I learned it the next day when we toured Munich.)
The Hofbrauhaus remains famous today because it is the site of the yearly Oktoberfest when thousands of beer lovers flock here to get rowdy for hours upon hours.
Because it is such a famous place, it was fitting that this was our choice for dinner on Sunday night, after our adventures at Olympic Park. We settled down at a table in the outdoor portion of the beer garden, which was filled with tourists from all over the world - it was an excellent place to overhear conversations flooded with people's accents, which I definitely do love.
Brandon won out on the choice of dinner. He had the authentic meal of pork schnitzel; I know this because my sample of it was quite delicious. My dinner choice, on the other hand, was not as savory. I chose the meatloaf because I wanted a hearty meal. Instead, my meal could best be described as "a slab of hot dog" or "hot dog loaf". Now, I do love hot dogs typically, but this loaf wasn't the greatest thing in the world. The potato salad, however, was authentic and delicious.Just about every tourist who drinks and dines here has some version of this photo, so here's my memory of beer-drinking at the Hofbrauhaus. Brandon would title this picture "The Poser" because the only beer I drank at this famous beer garden was the amount necessary to take the photo. These steins are gigantic, and I'm just not enough of a beer fan to give this the true go. I did sample, though, and I can tell you, this beer is definitely worth its Euro. Thank you, beer wench!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Germany: Olympic Park, May 11 Part 2
We also caught the very extreme end of a Nissan-sponsored dirt bike competition. Olympic Park is a rockin' place.
Anyway, since I didn't feel like spending 70 Euro on scalped tickets (I think Brandon is still upset about this), we played tourist and checked out the Olympic Park sites. Munich hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics, which are sadly remembered for the fact that 11 Israeli athletes were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, which is referred to as the Munich Massacre. Sadly, it's history, and as Germany well knows, we can't forget the past.
Olympic Park is pretty amazing. There is an awesome tower, which we took to the top for outstanding views of the Olympic facilities, the city of Munich, the BMW headquarters, and the Alps in the distance. It was pretty frigid at the top of the tower because the sun was setting, but the views were amazing.
One of my favorite parts atop the tower was this sign: DANGER TO LIFE. Not just danger, but danger to life. BEWARE TOURISTS.
Olympic Park lived up to the hype, and since I am a huge Summer Olympics fan, it was really a great experience for me to see the facilities. First stop in Munich was definitely a winner!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Germany: Rothenburg, May 11 Part 1
Rothenburg exists solely for tourism, and we somehow picked one of the best days to play tourist here - thank you travel gods and karma! We happened upon the town for Medieval Parade Weekend. The townspeople draped themselves in medieval lederhosen and wandered the streets with the aim to entertain. Numerous townfolk could be found on horseback...
...or walking with dead animals on shovels...
... or firing off cannons. The Medieval Parade element was really a quite fun surprise for our day of tourism.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Germany: Wurzburg, May 10 Part 2
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Germany: Kreuzburg, May 10 Part 1
Brandon was generally giddy because the weather was just amazing. Seriously, he spent hours before my arrival saying things like, "Bring rain gear" or "It's probably going to be rainy the whole time you're here." But magically, karma and the travel gods were on my side, and the weather was already proving to be magnifcent.
Kreuzburg is one of Brandon's weekend hot spots, so when the weather is nice, a visit seems appropriate - that's what he told me anyway. Kreuzburg is situated on a mountain. These are the steps we had to climb to get to the top.
This is a view from the top of the mountain, which I think it quite quaint and beautiful.
Germans love this place. It attracts a great deal of locals who come out to hike and bike. There are lots of trails on top of the mountain, and the steps to the top can be a workout themselves. Germans love the outdoors, and they are fairly aggressive about their time spent in the sun. Many of them dawn spandex, some inappropriately short, and gear up to attack these trails via bike. Others grasp their walking poles in both hands in order to attack the trails via foot. It's all quite intense really, and I felt intimidated by their dedication to outodoor adventures.
Tourists also love this place. The mountain also plays home to Kloster Kreuzburg, which is basically a monastery - a monastery that serves beer. Yes, that's correct, a monastery that serves beer. For hundreds of years, the monks brewed beer and sold it atop this mountain. The monks stopped breweing the beer in 1985, but it is still served. So, I guess there's nothing better than to grab your stein and join in, because really, what could be better than drinking beer at a monastery on a Saturday afternoon?
Well, eating a giant fat soft pretzel with your beer makes it a whole lot better.
I think the Germans are on to something, by the way. I wonder how many Americans would work out more aggressively if beer was the reward atop a holy mountain?
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Germany: The Arrival, May 9
I zipped through customs. I love customs, by the way. Since this was only my second ever trip outside America, I looked forward to the passport stamp, and of course, I loved the 3.8 seconds it took the nice German to actually stamp my passport.
Waiting for my luggage took a while longer, which gave me ample time to observe some of the German passengers waiting for their bags. The Germans love, seriously LOVE, those carts to drag all of their luggage in one haul. Seriously, almost every German had a cart. Weird.
Anyway, I grabbed my bag and found Brandon patiently waiting for my arrival.
As I mentioned, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning in Germany. Sitting in Brandon's twenty-year-old BMW with dark green exterior and black leather interior, it became immediately evident that the sun was beating directly on my face, and it was hot. If only the air conditioning worked...
The drive back to Brandon's place was a little over an hour, via the autobahn where, of course, there is no speed limit. Thankfully, the Germans are pretty good drivers and the truckers didn't seem to be obnoxious like they are sometimes here in the states.
I used this time to take in the German countryside. Tiny red-roof towns, more like villages really, dotted the splendidly green landscape for miles. It was so picture-esque to see each little town with its church steeple jutting from the center. Each town could be deemed "the middle of nowhere" but it was so beautiful to imagine life in such a tiny place.
We arrived at Brandon's to give him time to change for work, and I spent the afternoon experiencing his work life at Conn Barracks. I met many of Brandon's friends and coworkers, each of whom had some colorfully wonderful story about Brandon or work. It was quite enjoyable.
Feeling some serious jet lag at this point in the day, Brandon was so kind to allow me a one-hour power nap before a delicious dinner with his friends in Wurzburg (more on the city later).
The night ended with a pretty serious argument between one of Brandon's friends and some German guy. The hookah couldn't stop the battle being waged about world knowledge, politics, and history... honestly, I don't even know what really happened. It was nearing 4am and I was utterly exhausted.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Germany: The Departure, May 8
On Thursday, I packed my suitcase in stellar fashion. Honestly, the pack-job was impressive. It must be noted how outstanding I was able to roll my clothes and fit them like pieces to a puzzle strategically within the suitcase.
Anyway, I set off to the airport early to make sure my travel day was as stress-free as possible. I got to the airport with good timing, basically before the businessmen and their afternoon flights. I grabbed a quick lunch, watched some CNN International, and settled in for an hour or so to watch the usual airport chaos.
I knew I had exactly one hour between my connecting flight, which basically meant I should have enough time to get off one plane, walk down the corridor, use the restroom, and get settled on my flight to Germany.
So much for stress-free.
There was chaos on my first flight. For starters, the plane we were to take landed late, and the turnaround was awful. On top of that, the first captain had to be switched because the original's wife went into labor and he had to leave the cockpit. Next, there were eight flight attendants scurrying about the plane, trying to figure out who would actually be the crew for the flight. Then, it took four staff members another 15 minutes to help a wheelchair passenger onto the tiny plane. Needless to say, we were extremely behind departure time and schedule, and I was in panic mode. I was texting my roommate furiously, asking her to use the internet to gauge my plane's actual take off, hoping that I wouldn't miss my second flight.
Once we finally took off, I was able to calculate that I had exactly no time to spare once the plane landed. No joke, I had no buffer zone. When we pulled into the gate at 5:15pm, I knew the majority of my fellow passengers to Frankfurt would already be boarded. Once I was able to get off the plane, I had to sprint down the terminal a distance of 30 gates. Mind you, I haven't actually sprinted since the gruesome days of high school track in 1999. Thankfully, I wore sneakers instead of flip flops. But seriously, I was in a dead out sprint to the gate, and I wanted to die. My chest actually burned from all of the air I was sucking to make it to the gate on time.
I showed up with seconds to spare. The nice flight attendant at the door even allowed me to use the restroom before the eight-hour flight. As soon as I took my seat, the last call was made, the doors were closed, and I was able to sigh significant relief that I was on the plane. My throat hurt from sucking so much wind, and I was actually starting to sweat, but I was seated, belt and all, and ready for my flight to Frankfurt.